Five Tips for Managing Your Small Business’s Finances

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Written By ArmandoPeterson

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Every company, no matter its size, is concerned about one major thing – managing money. Correct financial management is important to surviving today’s volatile economy and the competition of other businesses. Small businesses, in particular, need to exercise caution with their monetary decisions. It takes a little more than a bright idea to run a business, and every organisation needs financial structure to generate a profit. Entrepreneurs should be equipped with strong financial management abilities if they are to turn their venture into a success.

Here are five tips to managing your small business’s finances.

  1. Education

One of the first things you need to do is educate yourself about the different aspects of finance. Learn how to read financial statements and manage your funds with reputable financial management training courses. If you don’t have any financial know-how, a course will teach you at least four key details: income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and statements of shareholder’s equity.

  1. Separate Business Finance from Personal Finances

Always keep business and personal finances separate. This means you should get a business credit card and put all business-related expenses on it to keep track of your outlays and remain in control. It is also a good idea to open a savings account dedicated to your venture, where you can transfer certain amounts of money from each payment you receive and gradually build up a healthy balance. You may also want to use this money to pay your taxes.

  1. Cut Costs

It is important for small business owners to remain tight-fisted if they want to keep expenses in check and avoid hampering customer satisfaction. All businesses endure two kinds of costs – variable and fixed. Fixed costs have got to be borne, not matter what kind of business you have and regardless of whether or not it is making money. Variable costs, however, offer scope for savings.

For instance, instead of buying costly branded software, you could opt for free open-source, cloud-based software which is just as good. You could also conduct free online calls and video conferences instead of incurring long-distance travel costs.

  1. Investing in Accounting Software

While you could download regular accounting software with which to manage your business’s finances, it cannot offer you the same kind of convenience as cloud-based accounting software. Cloud-based software can offer real-time insights since most allow you to update, track, store, and access your data from anywhere, anytime you want. Whether you are at home, travelling, or in the office, you can conveniently access your data as and when you like. It’s hassle-free and dependable.

  1. Measure and Monitor Performance

As a business owner, it is imperative that you keep tabs on the movement of your money, particularly if you are dealing with large amounts. Keep an eye on your business’s financial performance and compare it to past financial statements so you can project future expenses, cash flow, and revenue.

These five aspects will help you make informed business decisions, but you need to have the right financial knowledge for them to be effective.